Transform Your Relationship

Ever feel like…

You’re constantly showing up for everyone else, but struggling to feel connected to yourself?

Out of sync with your emotions, unsure why certain days feel heavy and others light?

Maybe you feel disconnected from your inner voice.

What if the
key wasn’t in doing more—but simply aligning more with the natural rhythms of the universe?

My Smart Phone Moon Calendar

Your ultimate guide to emotional awareness and
deep connection with YOU!

You’ve tried to get clarity on what you want but you still feel unsure, lost and overwhelmed.

Ever feel like everyone else just knows what to do or how to be and you're over here just trying to hold it all together without losing it?

I’ve been where you are I know what its like to not prioritise yourself and feel totally disconnected from who you are

You’ve dabbled in meditating, half read self help books or listened to a gazillion podcasts!

You got all of the milestones society told you to get, but you’ve got no joy in your life

You crave something new, some variety but you don’t know what you actually want (and feel selfish for wanting more).

You’re not alone

I get it! I used to be on the productivity train, constantly doing, doing, doing! Busy, multitasking to the max. But being busy kept me distracted to what I was actually feeling deep inside.

I’ll be honest with you I was that woman who had everything on paper and externally I was loving life, but internally I was confused, bored, lonely and feeling stuck. I wasn’t showing up in the world as who I really was, but I didn’t know who that was either!!

I can’t tell you how many times I have spoken to women who want more from their lives but they have no idea what they want so they just keep doing what they have always done and losing themselves more and more in the process.

My SMART PHONE MOON CALENDAR is exactly what you need to realign with yourself & break free from that feeling of being stuck!

Once I realised that tuning into the energy of the lunar cycle could help me to tune into my emotions and the cycles of me…..EVERYTHING started to flow.

It helps you nurture the most important relationship you’ll ever have….the one you have with yourself.

✅ I started gaining clarity about what I wanted

✅ I started being compassionate with myself

✅ I started acknowledging my needs

✅ I began to believe I am worthy of more and that I can 100% create my dream life!

I have deep self awareness & the confidence to express what I need

And I’ve created a life that I don’t need to take a vacation from


🤗 If you’re struggling to see the importance of rest and slowing down but you want to feel guilt free when taking a day off doing nothing!

🤗 If you feel out of sync with your emotions but you want to tap into what your intuition is actually telling you and trust it implicitly.

🤗 If you feel disconnected from who you are, perhaps lost in motherhood or a role put upon you but you want to break free from the box you’re currently in!

🤗 If you’ve been struggling to believe in yourself but deep know you know you are meant for more and its all possible!

🤗 If you feel wary about leaning into the magic of the universe but still you keep being drawn to it, knowing that you’re here for a reason!


‘MY MOON CALENDAR’ is for you!


Create Deep Self-Awareness
You’ll no longer feel out of sync with your emotions. Instead, you’ll move through life with a deeper understanding of you, knowing exactly why you feel the way you do—and what to do about it.

Create Manifestation Magic
By aligning your intentions and actions with the moon’s phases, you’ll start to see your desires come to life. Whether it’s love, abundance, or personal growth, the Moon Calendar will keep you on track to manifest the life you’ve dreamed of.

Create Meaningful Connections
As you get in touch with your emotional cycles, your relationships will shift too. You’ll start to know what you need and gain the confidence to communicate that to those around you. Communication is key to connection.

What You Get....

🌕 All Moon Phases Saved to Your Device
We're all busy, constantly on the go, so all the moon phases are added to your phone calendar—so you can stay connected to the universe via the device we carry around day in, day out.

🎥 Exclusive New Moon & Full Moon Videos
Every moon brings unique energy, and these videos will guide you on how to use it. You’ll learn how to reflect, set intentions, and let go at the right times—making emotional awareness and growth easier to achieve.

📝 Reminders to Keep You Aligned
Never miss a chance to manifest or work with a cosmic portal! With gentle reminders, you’ll know exactly when to set your intentions, release old patterns, or simply pause, reflect and REST!

📓 Journal Prompts for Every Moon
My journal prompts are designed to help you connect deeply with your inner world. Whether you’re navigating a difficult relationship or manifesting new goals, these prompts will help you dive into self-discovery and growth.

✨ Birth Chart Insights
Not all moons affect you the same way. This calendar includes degree points for each New and Full Moon, so you can see exactly how the moon is impacting you based on your unique birth chart. Know what’s being activated for you personally and how to work with it!